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PVC Specifications

PVC Specifications

Advanced Composite Material



Easy Processing​

Our products have insulating properties, helping to reduce heat and cooling loss, and providing a solution against condensation.

Excellent insulating properties, helping to prevent heat and cooling loss. Durability: Resistant to moisture, mold, fungi, and bacteria. Our products are ideal for use in wet, interior and exterior conditions.

Our products can be easily cut, drilled, integrated, and shaped with simple hand tools, making them ideal for DIY and customized applications.


Low Cost​


Our material is significantly lighter than metal or gypsum materials, making it easier to transport and install.

Our air grille systems have integrated plenum box and are ready to be installed compared to metal grilles, making them an affordable option for the projects.

Our products contain recyclable material, contributing to the reduction of environmental impact. Choosing our products can significantly help in achieving points for LEED, BREEAM, and GSAS certification, which are important certifications for the projects nowadays.

Standard or Fire-Proof Panels?

The default panels we use for the manufacturing of our systems, are the “Regular Panels”. If your project requires “Fire-Proof Panels”, then please make sure you request that at the beginning of your order procedure.

DensityDIN 53479g/cmᶟ0.550.55
HardnessDIN 53505Shore ‘D’≥ 42≥ 42
Water AbsorptionDIN 53495%≤ 1.0≤ 1.0
Tensile strength*DIN 53455MPa≥ 15≥ 15
Elongation at break**DIN 53455%≥ 15≥ 15
Modulus of elasticityDIN 53457MPa900 – 1500900 – 1500
Impact strength IzodASTM D 256KJ/m²≥ 9.0≥ 9.0
Impact strength CharpyDIN 53253KJ/m²≥ 15≥ 15
Flexural strengthDIN 53452MPa> 32> 32
Compressive Strength at 10% DeformationDIN 53421MPa> 6.5> 6.5
Surface resistivityASTM D 257Ω> 1 x 1014> 1 x 1014
Volume resistivityASTM D 257Ω-cm> 1 x 1015> 1 x 1015
Dielectric Constant at 1 MHZASTM D 150F/m1.561.56
Dielectric strengthDIN 53481KV/cm≥ 90≥ 90
Vicat softening temperatureDIN 53460°C≥ 73≥ 73
Heat Deflection temperature @ 1.8 MPaDIN 53461°C5858
Coefficient of Linear ExpansionDIN 53752mm/m °C0.080.08
Thermal conductivityDIN 52616W/m K0.050.05
Smoke ProductionEN 13501-1FIGRA 0,2 (W/s) FIGRA 0,4 (W/s)Class BClass B
EN 13501-1SMOGRA (m²/s)CLASS s2CLASS s1
Flaming DropletsEN 13823pcCLASS d0CLASS d0